Variations of trips




3 years ago

Tentative trips for planning

I’d get use out of a feature where I can add a “pending” trip — not sure on phrasing. This would be tentative dates with a specific country or location. Main example being, I’m free for July thinking near Italy and would love for anyone to join.

With that, the ability to give some indication that “hey, I would love for others to join me”. Thinking a badge in the Upcoming Trip cell that makes it obvious or even a message that gets sent to my friends who don’t have plans on those dates yet.

An addition to that feature would be where you can add specific people to a tentative trip. For example, if I want to do an expert level hike, I may only want to ask friends who are expert hikers to join me. (Might be too specific and don’t necessarily think it’s worth building this part anytime soon.)

Previous trips

Think it would be nice if past trips were moved to a small button on the profile screen that opens a full list.


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